Frances McAloon

Frances McAloonBSocWk, MGeront

Accredited Mental Health Social Worker

Works with: Adolescents, Children, Families, Older Persons, Parents, Women, LGBTQIA+

Special interests: Attachment, Grief and Loss, Life Transitions, Trauma, Parenting Support, Stages of Development and Identity

Favoured interventions: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Trauma Informed Practice, Mind-body Integration, Mindfulness, Narrative Therapy, Counselling, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Frances is an experienced Accredited Mental Health Social Worker with a Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters of Gerontology. Over 35 years Frances has worked alongside children and families in many settings from inner city Melbourne in family services, out of home care and public policy to outback western Australia in remote areas in child services. Over the last decade in Geelong, she has worked with refugee young people and in family mental health, supporting parents, children and diverse communities with myriad day to day challenges.

Areas of work:
Frances is interested in how we make meaning of the life transition stages – supporting children into primary and secondary schools, understanding and living with mental, emotional & physical health challenges and barriers, parenting and support of children, particularly at this heightened time of individual, relational and social anxiety. At the other end of the life spectrum, Frances also is interested to work with older adults considering decision-making around caring for self, partner, elder parents, ageing, grief, retirement, life changes and next stages. Frances is also available to develop wellbeing groups for the community.

Extensive training in:
Attachment, Trauma, Narrative Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Focused Psychological Strategies including mindfulness, mind-body integration, CBT. In 2022 Frances presented papers at National and International Child & Family Conferences.

Counselling is a joint process establishing trust and safety, sharing a belief that people are the experts in their own lives. Their relationships with self, with families in all diversity & with supportive community connections are a key to supporting people’s mental health as they re-engage with life.


Message for you sir!

Something happened you should know about.